In 2012 I contacted Astronaut Edgar Mitchell. As part of NASA’s Apollo 14 Moon Mission, he became the 6th man to walk on the moon. Because of the magnitude of the vision I had seen, described in my book Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World, I wanted to go to someone who was clearly able to “think outside the box,” and someone whose own sense of mission on planet Earth was no less than helping the mass of humanity become fully aware of its own role and relationship to all life on Earth and the larger Universe.
In the years that have transpired, through Edgar’s support and guidance, I have learned that there indeed is no limit to what is possible. Having said this, I have also become acutely aware that the changes necessary to bring about a mass consciousness shift large enough to make a difference at a planetary level, though massive are imminent and beginning to show themselves through the turbulence our world is presently experiencing. On the surface this may not appear to be the case. In fact, it may appear to many that our world is being torn apart by a strange kind of “insanity.” The political drama occurring in the race for President of the United States, the phenomenon of ISIS, the Syrian refugee crises, etc. etc. are what can legitimately be described as a bizarre form of insanity that is gripping our world. But consider this…
Maybe what we’re witnessing is a “detoxing of the mass consciousness.” Anyone who has done an internal cleansing of her or his own body, particularly during a time of illness, knows that what naturally occurs is a detoxing, i.e., the toxins or poisons within the body begin to surface. This is necessary for the body to clear itself so that healing can occur. Is it possible that this is what is happening now in our world? Think about it. See through a different set of glasses and you might get a different perspective…
Another way to look at what is happening in our world is this. Perhaps what we are witnessing is a “Clash of World Views.” I recently watched a video presentation by the distinguished and well known author and lawyer Daniel Sheehan who, among others, speaks of eight primary “World Views.” I’m deeply grateful to my husband John Pehrson for distilling the info as it’s presented here (from Sheehan’s The New Paradigm Institute):
(Modes of Ethical Reasoning)
1st Paradigm: Might makes “right.” Indeed, Might makes REALITY itself. For there IS no other REALITY on which we can depend.
2nd Paradigm: Fatalistic Worldview – Always chooses the action that best ‘serves’ their side (self, family, community, tribe.) They utterly internalize the bona fides of their local community’s dialectic and become champions of the specific “SIDE” on to which they were born.
3rd Paradigm: Existential Mode of Ethical Reasoning – Chooses that particular action which will maximize that REALITY which he or she has chosen to make “REAL,” as though THAT “Reality” were REAL.
4th Paradigm: Classical Utilitarian Worldview – always selects that choice which generates “the greatest good for the greatest number.” Pragmatic and rational, not ideological. This is the worldview represented by “Spock” on Star Trek – i.e., Scientific Logical Positivism.
5th Paradigm: Adherents supplement their exercise of Scientific Logical Positivism (4th Paradigm) with intuition, but attribute a merely supplemental role to this intuitive data.
6th Paradigm: Intuitive Worldview: Adherents believe that the FACULTY OF INTUITION (experienced through the Seventh Chakra) should play a CENTRAL ROLE in each individual human being’s “Normative decision-making” or as their “Mode of Ethical Reasoning.”
7th Paradigm: Theistic / Spiritual Worldview shared by many Indigenous Cultures.
8th Paradigm: Worldview supports “ONENESS” and CONNECTEDNESS between all Life; recognizes other dimensions and the existence of other sentient beings in the Metaverse or Omniverse.
I believe that what we are experiencing all across our planet is a “detoxing,” indeed a “Clash of World Views.” I also have a sense that this is a primary sign that civilization as we know it is changing…
Each individual on Earth has his or her own perception of reality and if such a phenomenon as a challenge in World Views is happening then the result is a change that will affect all life on our beloved planet. The hope is that the change that is occurring is none other than the contractions of Birth taking place…Birth of a higher state of consciousness attempting to come into being, one that will allow people to not only accept a change in their individual World View but empower them to participate in creating that change, encouraging each individual to continually reach beyond known limits. Trusting that this is the inevitable outcome of a mass consciousness “waking up,” getting stuck in the false safety of familiarity (“getting stuck in form”) would then become alien to the mindset of a species evolving into a higher form of itself.
Okay, so…What did we think it was going to look like?… The changes that would signal that something is shifting in the Collective Consciousness??… The changes that would tell us that the larger Consciousness of Humankind is indeed waking up?? Look all around you. Pay attention. It’s happening even as I write this. We’re fully immersed in this transformation, this new Birth. There’s no turning back now.
Detoxing seems to be a rational, existential, pragmatic, intuitive and refreshing explanation. May it be so! The alternative is pretty fatalistic, wot?
Thank you, Chaz. May it be so, indeed!