To all you brave souls willing to read and engage in this blog – This is the first of what I hope will be many ongoing Blog posts that I not only hope you find of use but that I also hope will inspire you to interact. You and your ideas are invited here, trusting that each of you who participates will do so from a place of integrity and care.
And so…
In the past weeks I have had the great privilege of interacting with some of the world’s most extraordinary minds and hearts. Having recently been honored as a keynote speaker at an international conference in April where some 120 scientists and mystics were meeting, I was humbled to find there was enthusiastic support for the vision dream I have described in detail in my book Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World.
If you have not read my book, in a nutshell the purpose of what I have described in my book is two-fold: 1) to raise the level of human mass consciousness to a full and perpetual wakeful state with awareness of the interconnectedness of all life; and 2) to cultivate healthy communication and interaction with other species not of planet Earth.
This requires the building of a particularly design multiplex-facility seen in a recurring dream that appeared again and again over a period of more than two decades. The reappearance of the dream close to 30 years later brought with it details that until then had been kept in the shadow. I realize now it all had to do with timing, and given the way the state of our world is in this moment, the time is fast approaching for this dream to be realized.
An interesting piece is that I know there are at least 12 of you, maybe more, out there who have had an almost identical dream and who have pieces I may not have. Thus, the reason for writing the book. To find you.
But it is also to find the rest of you who are part of this vision. You already know who you are, though you may not remember. I do know there are thousands of you out there who at some deep level within you is being called to make a difference… a difference that will impact the consciousness of all life here in such a way that the human species moves, even jumps, into a higher level of being.
I say “jump” because there has been evidence in the evolutionary steps of our human species that can only be explained by what some scientists call a “jump.” I don’t know about you, but I have a suspicion that our own DNA has clues to answering some of these questions. ( I’m happy to expound on this in another post. I also touch on this subject in my book.) In any case, I have an intuitive sense that another such jump may be imminent.
Here is what I know. In order for the facility that I have seen, (and am at the moment calling the U/ICC ( “University and Interstellar Communication Center”), to be built, something has to happen on a mass level of the human consciousness to make it all possible. The most likely scenario I’ve come up with at this time is a sudden jump in the evolutionary process, in the consciousness of humankind. There are a lot of theories out there as to how this might happen. Maybe this is fodder for further conversation.
Love and Smiles, Jeanne
[Please know that you’re invited to follow my Jeanne White Eagle Facebook page and to offer additional input there.]
No chance that out paths have crossed, we seem to be dancing and travelling in the same direction
We’ve been dancing in the same direction for a long time now, Pearl… toward the awakening of the heart. This is beginning to occur on a massive scale now and the polarizations taking place globally are simply a sign, I believe, that Change is imminent. What no longer serves the higher good of all life is being brought to the surface to either be transmuted or else disappear altogether. Maybe it’s an energy “thing.” I suspect it’s a Love “thing.”
I’m sure we will have lots to share, especially since you are coming over tonight!
John and I thoroughly enjoyed dinner last night with you, Cheryl. And the conversation was rich. I keep thinking about the thought that came to me years ago when the “For the One” Dance was being born….”Maybe it isn’t about the ‘dance’ at all but how we treat each other as we create the experience.” So much love passes between friends through kind acts as preparing dinner for someone else, giving time to listen and be a part of someone’s world in that way, and countless other ways to treat another with awareness and loving intent. Thank you for being our friend. It may seem like a small thing but this ripples out and touches a world that is changing now in fundamental ways…attempting to remembering it’s own highest destiny. Who knows?? Maybe that destiny is simply to remember to care for and love each other. Hmmm…. (This will be central to the U/ICC’s purpose for existing.)
Hi Jeanne,
I haven’t read your book yet but this sounds exciting. I’ve experienced ‘uncanny leaps forward’ that the humble Grasshopper has heralded and validated for me 🙂
Communication with other realms fascinates me and lifts me and so I am eager to watch this space <3
Good to have you on board, Ali!!
Maybe life is nothing but a dance. Each step, each emotion, each reaction, each interaction, each thought, is nothing more than a complicated dance. Do we dance a rise/raise or do we dance and fall or do we not dance at all? 🙁 🙂
Hi Jeanne
Jump is to bring humanity united and awake. Geometric flower in humanity may bloom. I had seen geometric flower design world wide. Maybe something else. I am working with myself thru action. Cheryl
Hi Jeanne,
I am a partner in this new adventure. I look forward to meeting all the new and fascinating people that are part of this new vision, and adding to our worldwide extended family. Meanwhile, I want to recommend your book. It is already having an impact!
<3 John
I just ordered the book. Over the years I have had many paranormal experiences as well as contact with ET’s. It has been interesting so far and the future has many possibilities.
It will be good to share stories and experiences with each other. Each story and each experience holds clues for our creating and moving into a healthy future.
Just ordered the book, have been waiting for it a long time. I have had dreams, experiences and visions for many years. Looking forward to the actualizations of them!! We are moving into another great adventure! WOO HOO!!
Woo Hoo, indeed, PaTi! This may be the greatest adventure yet!!