Shared Vision
Jeanne White Eagle
John Pehrson
Living the “Way of Inspiration”
In the late 90s, Jeanne and John Pehrson left executive corporate positions, stepping out in faith, to help raise the level of collective awareness around the world to the possibility of a loving and lasting peace. They were asked to let go of everything and trust. It was a literal leap of faith. Exploring and mapping the path of spontaneous living, their journey in faith has taken them around the world, reaping miracles that often defy reason and imagination.
In the process, they have developed the skills required to “live in the moment” – something that is increasingly important in today’s atmosphere of polarization and uncertainty. These skills include receiving and acting on inner guidance, taking risks and being willing to “fall,” developing absolute trust in the face of obstacles, applying love to move through fear, and the power of giving and gratitude to shift outcomes.
In September 1995, the inspiration for their current mission came to Jeanne in a powerful vision while doing conflict resolution work in Russia. Shortly after, Jeanne met Beautiful Painted Arrow, a Native American visionary and mystic, who blessed her with the name of “Jeanne White Eagle.” It was in 1998 that Jeanne and John stepped out in faith and committed everything they had to “listen, show up, and say YES to their inner guidance. In developing the trust to let go of everything, they allowed themselves to fall – and discovered that Spirit was carrying them. There was nowhere to fall. Since then, they have been guided by visions and carried around the world in a magical way, full of miracles.
Their mission has been to build bridges between people of different cultures, religions and worldviews and the possibility of a loving and lasting peace – one person at a time. Everywhere they have gone, they have shared with others the “way of inspiration” and open-heartedness through the power of sacred sound and dance, dialogue and intuition.
In 1996, Jeanne White Eagle had a vision for a singing dance called the “For the One” Dance. This dance offers an experience that takes people out of their comfort zones and creates the potential for life changes and personal transformation. It is also an experience that has proven to be therapeutic. Many people experience mental, emotional, spiritual and/or physical healing. People feel stronger afterwards. Many experience the kind of unconditional love that creates a feeling of community that rises above differences in religious or political worldviews. And in that way, it helps to create peace – one person at a time.
The first one of these dances took place in 2003 in the USA and since then, the “For the One” Dance has grown rapidly, taking place in the USA, Israel, Germany, Norway, Ireland, South Africa, England, Bosnia, Croatia, Egypt and Brazil.
In addition to the dance, Jeanne and John give Peace Concerts worldwide and focus much of their effort on Conflict-Resolution and Community Building events, that often take them into war zones and other areas of deep conflict. Their work involves the use of Sound, Movement, harnessing the power of Intuition, and facilitating the Open Heart Process, a process designed to help resolve conflict.
The early years meant working with many of the Peace-Sound Chambers around the world, following a vision given to Beautiful Painted Arrow, and whose influence has been major in the direction in which Jeanne and John now go.
Jeanne and John are both educators and authors of several books. They also do counseling for individuals and businesses. Currently, John bases much of his counseling on the use of intuitive imagery, and a new system of Mystical Numerology that he has created over a period of more than twenty years.
Jeanne spends most of her time now bringing into manifestation a vision born from a recurring dream had over a period of more than two decades. It is a vision of a new kind of INTERSTELLAR COMMUNITY, one whose purpose is to help humanity move into a higher state of consciousness and evolution, including the eventual interaction with life beyond Earth. Her newest book, Eyes Open – Looking for the Twelve describes the vision in detail and reaches out to find the those who have had close exact same recurring dream and/or those who know themselves to be part of creating a better world. You are invited to participate in the conversation starting on her new blog.
To learn about the INTERSTELLAR COMMUNITY FOUNDATION that astronaut Edgar Mitchell helped us put into place to manifest Jeanne’s profound vision, go to:
To learn more about John Pehrson, go to
Mission Statement
To raise the collective level of spiritual awareness, both on an individual and planetary level, by creating experiences through which people might heal their sense of separation from each other and the world around them. Our intention is to build bridges between people of different cultures, religions and worldviews, promoting peace through personal transformation.