Have you seen the Disney movie, “Tomorrowland?” If not, do. Give yourself permission to step into a place of innocence and watch the story unfold. The movie itself may not win an Oscar, but if you will allow yourself to listen between the lines, you may find that something within you gets triggered, a memory perhaps, that grabs hold and won’t let go. A memory?? Of what? And from where?
Call it intuition. Call it an inner drive. Call it a “knowing.” There is something inside each of us that in the beginning has no words. This is primarily because it is preverbal. It can be traced back through one’s life of memories to a particular point in time. The time of your birth.
Not meaning or wanting to override other viewpoints on this matter, here is what I myself have come to know…
… Like it or not, at the time of birth, born within each of us are dreams… dreams of possibility… dreams of what can be. I believe such dreams are the seeds of possible futures pulling us forward. They are what drive us. They in effect are a map… a map that, if followed, can lead to the fulfillment of individual and collective purpose.
And here’s the thing. Depending upon the circumstances within which each of us is born determines whether or not such dreams get nurtured and are able to grow and be fully realized. If, throughout much of your life, you’ve been given a message that has caused you to question your own self-worth, then any dream you might have entered with at birth, may rarely or never be realized. Granted, there are those who have overcome extraordinary circumstances to fulfill their dreams and such souls inspire others of us to keep putting one foot in front of another, trusting the map given at birth will lead us true.
Then, there are those of us who have indeed been cherished and nurtured with love since birth, empowered to believe in ourselves, to not just believe but to know that we have purpose and that the dreams we are born with are there for a reason.
In my book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World, I speak of a new kind of community whose whole perspective on “society” is different from what most of us know and have thus far experienced. To quote from the book:
“As an example, people will no longer seek out a profession for the sole purpose of ‘making a living,’ setting their dreams aside. Rather, it is the dreams themselves that come in with each person at the time of birth that are nurtured and manifestation encouraged.”
It is the dreams that we are born with that will guide and help put humankind back on track. The challenge is to trust what we each have been given, letting the idea of the egocentric-self transmute into a higher state of awareness or simply dissolve altogether.
Let’s face it. Our present day world is in trouble. Given the population level of over 7,000,000,000 people on our planet, the massive drain of Earth’s natural resources, the lack of conscience at just about every level of human existence, etc. etc. etc. … it’s safe to say, yes, we’re in trouble. AND, as Casey in Tomorrowland asked, “Can we fix it?” What immediately transpires after is a journey into what then is possible.
The key here is not to give up. Trust in the dreams you are given because within each dream is not only a clue to the solutions of what seem to be impossible problems, but within each dream lies the wisdom of what is necessary to help an entire species, humanity, to wake up and become fully aware… wisdom to help sustain an ongoing higher level of consciousness as we evolve into a mature and compassionate spacefaring species.
[ NOTE: If you’ve read my book, Eyes Open, Looking for the Twelve – Blueprint for a New World, and either you believe you may be one of the Dreamers and/or are somehow a part of helping to manifest the dream described in the book, please contact me via email at: . Also, to learn more about the vision, go to . Thanks. I look forward to talking with you.]
Wonderful blog, Jeanne. Yes, I absolutely LOVED Tomorrowland and the enthusiasm of Casey. This world seems more harrowing by the day so thank you for reminding us that we all can see it differently and act accordingly.It takes work to keep the thoughts positive. I was blessed to have a loving mother that encouraged me in all ways. I miss her.
Thank you, Pat. I had such a mother as well. And father, both of whom empowered and encouraged me at every turn. What a different world we would have been born into if all parents had the courage and wisdom to do this with their children. (For those reading this, the photo with Pat’s name is actually of Monty Joynes, Pat’s husband, who wrote our Biography, Journey for the One.)
Loved your blog today . Beautiful Painted Arrow always said we are the dreamer so how am I creating my existence . You reminded me to continue to dream that vastness in a most wondrous way with Love that radiates into all things. It is really such an exciting time to be here on earth and to help hold the space during Mother Earths transition. So many teachers and beautiful people are now coming together in oneness to share the dream of upliftment and raise the vibration of this magnificent place we call home. It is time to rejoice in this awareness and live the real dream of this home.
Thanks for your beautiful comments, Barbara. Our job now is to empower the dreamer inside all of us.
Jeanne, I read every word and appreciate the work that has been given you. I am presently reading Peter Kingsley, who spells out how the “rational” logic that began with the Greeks and other intellectual philosophers some 2300 years ago was a failure to see the mysticism of Parmenides and Empedocles who gave rise to the movement. That intellectual error actually began our forgetting of the wonder of the Mystery. Kingsley’s incredible work, “Reality,” artfully puts the reader (me, in this case) in a state of being able to sense the presence of the Mystery, which I’ve known as far back as I can remember. I also know several people who have had NDE’s that go though the death to the beauty and love that flow from what they tend to call, “The Source”. For me, Jeanne, it is a process of Divine Revelation that has called you to this work. I am 100% committed to publicizing your call, which calls us, in turn, away from the chaotic blather that makes so much noise today… ironically letting the knowledge of the truth grow and grow and grow invisibly behind and beneath the blather…. We are immortal servants of that Divinity. Bless you, my friend.
Thank you, my friend. Your wisdom and your support act as wind under the wings of this Dreamer, and touches as well as impacts the conscience of the mass consciousness. As I’ve shared before, we’re all in this together, like it or not, and the more I see the wisdom that is coming forth from those as yourself, the more I’m certain that this time Humankind just might make it. Love is the key.
We were both very blessed. And hopefully we’ve passed this on to our own children.
Dearest Jeanne and John
You taught me to dream the first time we met. Ive been dreaming ever since. You taught me to dance and Ive been dancing ever since. The dreaming and the dancing have taken me into spaces of love I might never have been able to experience. My life is a dance, love moves me me towards the light of a greater peace and a greater love for all beings on this beloved earth my mother
Dearest Pearl, you have been an inspiration to me from the very beginning…wind under my wings. I hope I’ve been able to be that for you too. Let’s keep flying, shall we?? Much love!! J