For some time now I’ve become increasingly aware of the incivility growing in our world and particularly the vitriolic language that is being used more and more over television by certain so-called news media organizations, as well as over the Internet, particularly on Facebook and other social media. This includes any misinformation that is being deliberately distributed. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice that not only are more conflicts developing around the world, the rage within the conflict seems to be ramping up to some kind of a chaotic climax. It is as though the human race has declared war on itself. I don’t know how you see it, but I believe we have here a clear definition of INSANITY.
For those of you out there who are aware of visiting species from other star systems, do you know of another species that spends an inordinate amount of time and energy attempting to destroy itself?? So far, in my findings, human beings are the only species I’ve come across that does this. All other species seem to have arrived at the conclusion that cooperation is key to survival and ongoing evolution throughout the Universe. Up to now, Humankind as a whole hasn’t learned this. We’ll get there (soon, I hope!), but we’re not there yet.
Now, having said that, I’m acutely aware that there is a groundswell taking place simultaneously, one that is being created by individuals who, one by one, are waking up. That is to say, becoming fully conscious. What does this mean?
One of the first steps (and it may, indeed, be the first step) in becoming fully conscious is the willingness of a person to take complete responsibility for his or her actions in daily life. As an example, notice the words you use when speaking with another. Notice the energy and attitude with which these words are being spoken. If you disagree or are at variance in some way with someone and you “speak your mind,” ask yourself, “What do I want the result to be?” In other words, do you want to destroy that person in order to prove a point OR do you want to communicate in a way that that person can hear your viewpoint, opening the possibility for honest dialogue to take place?
Again, I’m particularly interested in the way people post and respond both in the media and on Facebook. Too much energy seems to be going into separating our country/world simply because one person or persons want to convince another that his/her viewpoint is the “right” one and that if there is disagreement then the one on the receiving end is “wrong.” Age old story. I’m guessing it’s how the political concept of “conservative and liberal” was born. Personally, I don’t like the game. It does nothing but create separation and our world has too much of that already. It feels like it may be time to make different choices. Ones that hopefully can bring us together in a good way, where differences are honored rather than being reasons to attack.
Becoming fully conscious, is no easy task. Oddly, we’re born awake and along about the age of three we begin to go to sleep, for it is at this point that language has taken root and as human dramas are created, unless a person is fortunate enough to be born into an environment that nurtures the awakened spirit, the consciousness of the single human being begins to forget, not realizing or remembering the reality of having entered our world from a state of absolute awareness.
So what soil is needed for a seed to grow inside a species’ collective consciousness that carries within it a message that to destroy itself is the road to success, (whatever definition is assigned to the meaning of “success” for a particular individual or group of individuals)? I believe it is the soil that is born out of the “forgetting” that begins in the early stages of a life. When the consciousness of a person begins to sleep then the perception of “separation” is experienced as real and he or she begins to lose the awareness that all life is connected and stems from a single Consciousness. Once this happens, the dramas set in and one spends an entire lifetime attempting to find the connection that he or she came in with. In this search, differences emerge in innumerable ways among human beings, and rather than being seen as reflections of a larger whole, they, more often than not, are seen as threats and thus, fodder for conflict that may eventually lead to war.
This may sound a little simplistic but I’m hoping you get the gist of what I’m saying. It is time to wake up… to remember…to become fully conscious… Be aware in each moment of what you say, how you say it. Words are vibration and carry the energy of the idea you are espousing. Be aware of each and everything around you, movement, color, sound. Be aware of your feelings. Be aware of the emotional responses you have to your circumstances. Sometimes it isn’t that you need to “do” anything other than simply “notice.” The noticing itself, can change a circumstance. Listen to all around you. Really listen.
Be aware. Start waking up, if you’re not already there. It’s time.
The Insanity of humans attempting to destroy life at any level has run its course.
It’s time to wake up and experience who we really are… Beings of unlimited potential and possibility, remembering that all there really is is Love. And to quote a friend, “…everything else is ‘pictures in perceptual reality.’ ”
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It has been my experience that humans tend to complicate things that should be simple, and ove-simplify things which are deeply complicated. I actually feel that this is one of the steps along our individual spiritual paths: awakening to the truth of ourselves and learning to be in the flow of simplicity or to weave our way through complexity with care. People only begin to see this truth, awakening in a way, when their hearts are touched by something profound and undeniable. Many people remain unwilling to see, deliberately wearing blinders because it is easier to believe in “seperateness” than to embrace a different set of ethics and change the way we live.
This is constantly frustrating to me.
Thanks, Trai, for your comments. Yes, good reason to be frustrated. Let’s hope that “something profound and undeniable” begins to touch the hearts of those in the media (including social media), politics, military, in all walks of life, that all are presented with experiences that help the mass consciousness to wake up. And may those who choose to “wear blinders” encounter Love at such an intensity that the fear begins to fall away and all those that create “separation” through their words, actions and beliefs find their way home to the reality that all we perceive to exist is interconnected, part of a whole. When one attacks another (verbally or otherwise), one attacks him/herself. The extraordinary thing is that the reverse is true too… When one loves another, is kind to another, even when differences are recognized, one is loving him/herself. It is BECAUSE of the differences that we are given the opportunity to see the many multi-level aspects of ourselves. Hopefully, more and more people will find the courage to allow that to happen… and that we begin to see this reflected in every level of our society. I believe it begins with the single individual choosing singular choices in how he or she lives, speaks and acts whether in a personal situation (family, neighbor, etc.) or in a public arena (media, politics, Internet). It’s time.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and words. I find your theory interesting about when separation begins about the time human language and drama begins. I would like to see more evidence to prove this. The separation does in fact happen and we do strive to get back to the source once we are awake enough to realize. Conditioning is then a factor as to if we choose to struggle on our return trip to Source. This conditioning also is the root of how separated, fearful we are of others and our ego’s need to be right. Looking at it from the way you have written sure does look like the definition of insanity. What is the saying….. doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Thank you for the wake up call to remember to be mindful, I had a slip today and let the anger and frustration of the insanity I observed get to me in doing so I threw a big dose of negativity out there. With luck my rant opened some ears. Next time, maybe I can find a gentler more eloquent way of expressing myself.
Excellent comments, Cathy. Thank you! Something that may be of use that I learned from a psychologist friend many years ago is this. When the anger and the frustration come, see the word “Love” in front of you. Let the anger come but as it moves through the filter of Love, something changes. I believe the vibration shifts. I call it “putting my love glasses on.” All I know is, it works. Whoever may be on the receiving end then, of your comments, will most likely be able to hear what is being said. When vitriolic reports on television or posts on social media are made, it’s hard to hear and receive what is being said, especially when the energy coming at you is stated in such a way that only the anger is heard… a common occurrence from certain politicians and television newscasters. For those of you who may read this, try it the next time you’re in a situation where you feel the anger gathering and you have a “viewpoint” you want to espouse. Put your “love glasses” on. Notice what happens.
Agreeing with you, Jeanne. I’ve noticed a deterioration in the way many people speak — some words I do not allow in my house — and I do not wish to hear them elsewhere either. I’ve got a friend who considers him/herself a person of peace, yet there is always criticism of everyone else and I find it very wearisome. I do not wish to have that kind of energy spread throughout our world, and I do not wish to be around it, either. When I’m out in public whether shopping or driving, I’m sending love to everyone – no matter what happens. Period. (sigh) Am hoping there will be a shift back to kindness for all….
Thank you for this most important reminder- as it is filled with common sense and packaged with love. Love, Judy
I love your words Jeanne. It really is time for the seed within us to blossom and I do believe that it is happening. I also believe that when we come from Spirit into physical form we have a path that is mapped out for us to take and we are given all the tools we need, the people to meet, the teachers to come, etc to take us “home”. We just have to be aware of the choices we make as we walk that path. As I become more aware of my own choices in the reflection of my life lived it is interesting to see the phases I have gone through. Certainly of separation – which has taught me to look for connectedness. Of anger – which has taught me to look for love. Of fear – which has taught me to look for courage. In my meditation I was told that EVERY thing and every THING is a tool for us to find our way home. Interesting at that time it was about language and disgusting words that I was dealing with at the time when these words came to me. It has helped me to see my own use of language clearer, to understand that at times when I have sworn it has been because of my own underlying fear or anger, and that the way around this is definitely to see within not only my fears and anxieties which colour my language at times, but the fears and anxieties that others have. As I have become more aware of how my language affects people then so has my skill at language and discipline of word come. I can only hope that my own example will help people. I spent some months in a half-way hostel about a year ago and every second word I heard there was a swear word. They didn’t even know they were doing it, until they realised that I could not be drawn to their level. Then their anger came as they saw themselves in a mirror. My prayers remain with those souls who only know how to lash out at a world which has hurt them – through lashing out at that world with their words, their thoughts, their actions. May they find peace in their hearts, because I do believe that if we can teach our children to find that peace in their hearts from a young age, then they will also find the words that will reflect that peace. May all beings find Happiness and the cause of all happiness.
In your first paragraph, Jeanne, you “spoke my words” and then I read those words in the next para! Imagine! Then I read all the way down to where I am now, having heard my words spoken in every contribution. My experience right now is one of being in what Michael Jones calls “the Common” in his recent book, “The Soul of Place: Re-imagining Leadership Through Nature, Art and Community”. In its denoument, he calls for us to awaken to our oneness and come to work in what he calls “horizontal networks”, the quality of which I find beautifully present in all the stories here with their rich thoughts and feelings expressed in the safety of this place. 1000 thanks.
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