I had a flash of insight just a few hours ago that I would like to share with you. The catalyst was the global panic that seems to be gathering around the whole issue of the coronavirus. It dawned on me that, “Hey, remember that everything is vibration!! Everything!!” In other words, the coronavirus itself represents a specific frequency that creates a certain vibrational field. I immediately remembered my own experience with cancer many years ago. When I came to the realization that the cancer itself existed at a particular frequency, I created sound exercises that began to change the vibrational field of my body and in turn began to shift the frequency of the cancer.
If you know that everything is connected, that “there is no separation,” then the last thing I wanted to do was “fight and destroy” the cancer. If I focused on this scenario, then I was indeed “fighting and destroying” some part of myself. Instead, I went deep into myself, listening to the sound of who I am and began to create spontaneous music with no words, no thoughts, only the intention of love. What happened is that because I was emitting such a high frequency within the depth of my being, the cancer responded and began to shift in its own frequency, raising in vibration to the point of total transmutation and transformation. In a word, I was completely healed.
Dealing with the coronavirus is no different. Going into the heart of the idea of the virus itself, one becomes aware of a frequency that is moving at a much lower level than that of a person who is self-aware. If one is willing to see through the eyes of love rather than fear, then that person creates a resonant field within and around him/herself that is moving at a much higher level than any “idea” such as a virus. This, actually, is physics. That which is moving at a lower frequency can be affected and raised by that which is moving at a higher and more sustained frequency, creating a vibrational field that allows for transformation to take place.
I have come to know that the most profound way to cause the creation of an immediate possibility for this level of transformation is to SING SPONTANEOUSLY…NO WORDS, NO THOUGHTS OTHER THAN WITH THE INTENTION OF LOVE. If you think, while in the process of creating, this won’t work. DO NOT THINK. DO NOT ANALYZE. Simply let the sounds come. Create a song. Let the music come. It will only last a minute or two but in the process, you are birthing a vibrational field that has the potential to shift everything and everyone around you. Note: This works only if you’re willing to do so with the intent of Love. I’m living proof, having healed from cancer twice.
So rather than buying into the fear-ridden scenario around coronavirus, let your mind go into the heart of its creation and SING the higher frequency of who you yourself are, and I can guarantee you that the frequency of the virus will shift and raise to a level that will allow for the dissolving of the idea of the existence of any form, a virus or otherwise, that would bring harm and separation.
So now, in these times, create a spontaneous song every day. Collectively, we will create a global resonant field that will shift everything! Be courageous in your effort! Something wonderful is happening here!!
This is so Beautiful and True Dear Jeanne
Thankyou Thankyou I Am Singing . It is a Beautiful and Timely Reminder to sing, in Love, without words.
Thankyou for your care and taking time in gathering your expression here for us.
Love you and your sound🕊💚
Bless you, Elizabeth! We’re hearing you, all the way from New Zealand!!
Love this! I am in the midst of writing a novel title The Love Note, your message resonates with the messages held within the writing. Thank you for all that you do.
In Love and Light,
Thank you, Katy! I would love to read your book when it is done.
Brilliant Blog Jeanne reminding us to sing a song from heart no thought no words … just let the soul sound sing out raising frequency so no dis-ease can take hold ….
Thank you, dear Sue!!
I completely agree with you, Jeanne.
The true virus is not the virus but the illusion that there is one and that illusion is very real! Fear is very real when it is in the absence of truth. It is the belief that every individual creates within about this virus that creates a collective belief (consciousness). But most humans aren’t creating a belief at all, they just swallow one that is being offered to them and when it is being offered over and over again, swallow they will. To create an original thought their needs to be creativity and creativity is often absent in a state of fear. Thoughts are living beings but harmless as long as you don’t empower them. They need to be birthed into life and just as all life, they need energy to stay alive. Who is the one keeping them alive?
If I don’t want the cat from the neighbor to come over, am I going to put a dish of milk in front of my door to feed that cat? What I often see happening is people put out the dish of milk and then start to shoot at the neighbor and the cat. That collective virus belief is based on fear and because of this, it has a lower vibration. Because a lot of people haven’t learned yet how to create space within or to keep the bone hollow or to be in silence, there is an absence of clarity and trust and an abundance of fear and confusion. Such energies are disconnecting us from that peaceful truth that is already within. Once the attention is redirected to the inner world, presence/space arises. When the attention is focused on external distractions like media it is impossible to feel what such information is causing because our energy is where our attention is and that energy is the dish of milk.
The fear thoughts that are transmitted through words will transform into images which is again one step closer to the material reality. The virus thought-form is already effecting the person’s immune system once it is accepted to be real. That’s why some cultures teach how to keep “the bone hollow”. If I think lemon, I can feel the same effect that the bitter lemon juice creates in the back of my mouth without having a lemon even close to me. What does one feel when they think of Coronavirus?
I once heard a story about a woman that was doing research about the 5 senses. She traveled around the world to do so. She lived for a while in an African community and after almost a year living in that community, she was invited by the elders. When she asked them what they thought about the 5 senses, they said we don’t have them! It threw her completely of the hook. Just the idea that someone could say such a thing and then the fact that this took away the foundation of her whole reality was a lot at once. They told her that these 5 senses she was talking about made no sense to them! Then they started to share their senses, I can still remember 4 of them. I was baffled!
The first one that I remember was, the sense of the flesh. They would feel their thoughts through the sensations these created in their flesh/cells. The next one was the sense of the mouth. They would taste their words in their palate before they speak them out. There was the sense of the heart and the sense of the breath. There were several more. Now, what all their senses, also the ones that I can’t remember had in common was, that they all focussed on the inner world. That’s why our senses made no sense to live by for them. They knew exactly what she was talking about and what she was asking for but they do not use our 5 senses to guide them through life. They live from within.
Such a way of living protects you from external thought forms/viruses that are harmful. When your focus is directed inward one will feel the fear-vibration that is connected with a certain thought-form. You will feel it in your flesh because it will contract or start to sweat, you will feel it in your heart muscle because she will contract, beat faster and/or feel heavy. You will feel it in your breathing because it will accelerate. Like this, the sense of fear becomes very helpful to sense the lie, the toxicity, the illusion and when I do not interact with this observation it will change, dissolve, melt in truth/love. It is powerless. This is the healthy body/mind relationship that this culture is practicing. Like this, you don’t need expensive health insurance to protect you! Your own awareness is your life insurance and it’s in your own hands.
I live in a small community that can only be reached by ferry, there is no virus present here in physical form but in thought-form, it is everywhere. 2 weeks ago I heard 4-year-old children having a conversation about the virus during their lunch. Later on, I had a chat with the child that initiated the conversation because I was curious how it had entered him. I was amazed. When I asked him what the Coronavirus was he told me that it was a little bug that came into you and it could kill you. When I asked him if this was far away. He told me: “No, no, it’s in Vancouver!” When I asked him if he was afraid of it, he said: “Yes, because I don’t want to die!” I asked how he knew all these things. “I heard it on the radio!” I asked him if he believed it to be true, he said yes!
When I was in the hospital last week I heard someone asking a nurse: “When is the Coronavirus going to arrive over here?”
To speak out such a thought is like sending an invitation directly adressed to the virus itself.
Dearest Chris, thank you for your caring and indepth response. If I hear anyone affirming the existence of any idea (virus or otherwise) that would support the illusion of separation, I immediately go into the “no mind” space and sing spontaneously, shifting and raising the frequency. Not complicated. Thanks again, Chris, for your sharing and wisdom.
Thanks you Jeanne for opening up this conversation inside of me. I am going to start doing this with the children, as a group. It is such a practical, powerful and priceless tool, literally! I hear a lot of kids humming /singing while they are playing, walking around,… I feel like it would be a great thing to do to open our daily circle time.
Dearest Chris, please forgive the delayed response. Many things have happened since your last note, as with most people now. The important thing is to “stay on point,” greeting the daily scenarios with love, compassion and patience. Yes, keep singing. It sorts out everything!!! Sending love from John and me!!
A wonderful succinct description of how to engage in transmutation Jeanne. I’ve experienced the pleasure of singing who I am in your company last year – what a pleasure and joy! It makes total sense to me to transmute any illness or virus by using this process because it communicates LOVE, which can heal anything.
So the corona virus is presenting us with the possibility of learning how to do this – another call to love!
Thank you for your reflections and the beauty of your song!
Thank you, dear Sharon. Will listen for your songs from Australia!!
Thank you, Dear Jeanne. Just what I was needing today. I send love to you and John.
I hear you, Chrisjean. Thank you, too.
Thank you dear One for your beautiful voice of reason and spiritual common sense! I love singing the soul song every day, something I’ve brought with me through the years. Thank you! Last summer I made a commitment to go into the river once a week and sing my prayers and it truly changed my life in beautiful ways. I will be doing that again this summer. This winter I’ve been walking by the river and singing my soul song while hugging a tree friend. Still very powerful! I often see your face and remember the process of learning the song of the soul. Mahalo dear One!
I will listen for your song, dear Sherry. The Earth will definitely hear.
🙏🏻 thank you, Jeanne. Love is the highest frequency in our world 🌎. What a heartwarming idea of creating a love song for our well being and also I will be surrounding and enfolding our planet in the radiance of love.
Dear Jeanne,
I thought to find you on the net after my meditation and singing this morning. So glad I did… These times encourage me to live what sustains me more and more. I choose love, over and over….
Bless you and deep gratitude to you,
Ali X
Hi Ali, so good to hear from you. And thank you for your comments. We’re all in this together and if more of us keeping choosing to act from and see through the eyes of love, the human race just might make it to the next level. Sending you much love from John and me, Jeanne